The last time I was in FutureScam, I was trying to buy a CD/RW drive that
was on sale. First you had to get rid of the 7 clerks who start dry-humping
your leg as soon as you walk in the door. Then you have to convince them
that you really don't want the extended warranty (the one that costs almost
as much as the drive itself). Then they want every bit of marketing info
they can possibly pry out of you. I told them my name was "Cash Sale". That
pissed them off. When I get to the cashier, turns out the clerk had ignored
(unintentionally, i'm sure) my discussion about no extended warranty and had
itemized it anyways. While the cashier fumbled and futzed about trying to
delete the extra charge, I just left it on the counter and walked out the
door. Never been back.
Best Buy has better scams. They don't hound you with clerks. I tried to buy
my WRT54g router there. Price in the flyer was different than the price on
the box which was different again from the price on the shelf. Of course,
the cash register only knew about the highest price, and in order to
convince the cashier otherwise had to physically drag her down to the aisle
and show her the SKU/UPC, then wait for the magical "correction". Would've
been amusing, but there's more items on the shelf this way than not. Then
there's the mysterious "mail in rebate", which appears variously in $US or
$CDN, depending on which aisle you're in. It makes for some very interesting
(and unobtainable) discounts... hell, at times they'd have you believe that
they'll pay *you* to take the merchandise. Ever wait 6 weeks to a year to
get back a $2 rebate? Never been back.
Thanks, but i'll stick to stores where I can walk in, pick up the item, pay
for it, and leave. I know what I want, I know what i'll pay for it, and
everything else in between is usually distraction, misdirection, and
occasionally fraudulent... Oh, and a smile and a THANK YOU from a cashier
would be nice one in awhile too.
Sympatico is backwards when replying.
Post by MadonnaPost by Warren MayFuture shop sucks. And now that the shine has worn off their bigger cousin
(but equally sleazy) "Best Buy", so do they.
Well at least you can return your item within 30 days.
Can't do that at the smaller stores.
And they have some good specials from time to time,
(like that LG GSA-4040B 4X DVD+/-RW-RAM burner for 200$).
Never seen the TV ads. I don't watch TV.
The ad I hate the most is the repetitive 'Jean Coutu' that's
playing on all the radio stations in Montreal.
Now I just tune to ad-free and shoutcast :-)