Yeah, they are not with the game. I cancelled my service in July via
email. In August, I noticed I didn't get billed for June-July. I emailed
in August them out of courtesy only to find out that they have not
cancelled my account. The next day the processed a charge for 2 months
(90 some dollars), eventhough I didn't use their service in over a month.
After many emails back and forth, they flatly put that they didn't
receive my cancellation, therefore they must charge me for the extra month.
What's ironic is that some of those email in our conversation where
lost. I checked my maillogs, and I see it go to them successfully, but
they never receive them. Also, the replies they sent me, they would have
to resend.
I called them today, and their vm states that they are having troubles
with their mailserver. Not surprised at all.
So, they admit they have a screwed up mailserver, but they don't believe
me when I cancelled back in July.
Post by SomeoneMy very first bill from nothing but net drum roll please... $240.02 instead
of $120.01. I have given the credit card company proper shit. Anyone had any
experiences cancelling an account with "nothing but net"?