Post by Alexander FongPost by RicI mean, I'm paying for the 3 MBps service but I've been unable to get speeds
above 500 kbps over the last several days. And it's not limited to a certain
time of day, it's all day. I've e-mailed tech support but have not yet heard
back from them. I hope this is a temporary problem with because
I'd really like to stick with them, but at this level of service added to
their reluctance to initiate a real solution to the crappy usenet issue, I'm
starting to look at other providers...
They're most likely getting blasted by new variants of the Blaster and
Welchia worm. This is what happens when there isn't such a thing as
"corporate responsibility".
Being affected by the same problem, here's the story(ies) given to me.
Just so you know, I'm a member of, which resells Noticed the slow speeds, so I checked my modem, saw it was
syncing at the right speed, pings to (gateway I go
through) were weird. Went from 3 seconds down to 2, 1, .8, .5, .3, .1,
then back to 3 and on again. Called, as has NO
phone support (they have a phone number which usually doesn't get
answered, and forwards to a VM saying to not leave a message as the VM
doesn't work properly). The lady I got was adamant in her effort to pass
the buck down to, didn't want to listen to my story, didn't
want to give me any info. I turned my modem on/off, speeds were back and
pings were normal again. Weird.
The day after, same problem, but pings are normal. Just the speed sucks. I
go through the rigmarole again, resync, no improvement. I fire off an
email to my provider. They reply some days later with a story about a
cisco firmware update for the blaster worm that screwed things up and that
they're working with cisco to fix the problem. I do a double-take, search
the net, find absolutely nothing about such a firmware update or problems
associated with it. I find a best practices document from cisco on
mitigating the effects of blaster, which of course uses ACLs and so on, no
mention of a firmware update. I reply to my provider asking more details,
saying I can't find anything about that supposed firmware update, point
them to the page I found at cisco. Next day, I'm tired of waiting for them
to reply again. I phone again.
I explain the situation. I ask about the speed problems. I get told
they're currently 'at capacity' and throttled everyone until they get a
new router. Oh, how different from the email I got from my ISP. Wonder why
they told me that about the firmware update and everything...
Last Thursday, I get an email from my ISP. Know what? No comments at all
on the blaster firmware update, just a note saying that the new router is
in, they only need to test and configure it and service would be back
Today, the speed is still at it's 60-70kb/s peak. I send another email to
my ISP. It's now been over 2 weeks that I'm paying for 3mbit and getting
half the speed of a 1mbit connection. Needless to say, I'm pissed.
Difficult to say if it's because of the awful speed or the total lack of
any notices anywhere (their web site,'s website, or
nerdsonline (which of course redirects to nerdsonsite, an computer
service company). Actually, I just went and checked right now. My ISP's
web site isn't responding, and doesn't even seem to have a
server status section. nerdsonsite, of course, has tons of information
about to request a computer service from them, but I see nothing about
them selling DSL access, and of course no server status page.
There's also a funny story involving nerdsonsite, me trying to explain
that I don't want a service from them, I just want info on the speed
problems, a 3 hour callback time and a few days before I get a message on
my answering machine.
From what I see, there was a problem, a wide-sweeping change was put into
effect without the admins bothering to tell the clients, and everyone is
wondering what's going on. For myself, I hope I got the real story and
that they finish configuring the @%@#%^@ router. I mean, how many days can
you spend configuring interfaces, routing and encapsulation?