Post by Some
I thought they went out of business.
They did, years ago, but I'm still able to use that e-address.
Anyone who wants to reach me can.
Post by Some GuyPost by RodCould anyone provide me with an email address for INTERPOL,
I suppose you're going to report that thousands, millions of
Canadians are being robbed by BCE and Rogers eh? Go for it!
No, it's something much more serious. I want to report to them
that William Elliott, RCMP Commissioner, has obstructed justice,
and thus is unfit to work for them. He's supposed to take a job
with Interpol this fall, to represent that agency at the United
Nations. I believe he is scheduled to start with them in
November. But I have a problem with his appointment, since he's
broken the law, in a serious way. About fifteen (15) Criminal
Code statutes have been violated, and there have been about
two hundred criminal offences committed, that I am personally
aware of, and the charges would include conspiracy and attempted
murder. Elliott has failed to take any action to have those
issues addressed.
The RCMP Commissioner has a legal duty to uphold the law. But
evidently Elliott does not believe that the law applies to him,
nor that he has any such duty, despite his position. It means
that he's sorely lacking in ethics, and I don't believe someone
like that should work for Interpol. Instead he should be charged
with obstructing justice and prosecuted.
As I understand it, in Canada obstructing justice can earn one up
to 14 years in prison, so it is hardly a trivial offence.
The RCMP's motto, "Maintiens Le Droit" (Maintain the Right) has
become a bad joke. A much more appropriate motto for them today
would be "Maintenir L'Obstruction". (Keep Obstructing Justice.)
Three examples.
A recent Fifth Estate program revealed how four senior RCMP
officers obstructed justice in the case of the Swissair Flight
111 crash in 1998, off the coast of Nova Scotia, which killed all
229 passengers and crew. Evidence that the airliner went down as
the result a crime - arson - was found. But the official finding
of the TSB was "accident". That's only because the evidence
pointing to arson was left out of their report. And that's
because senior RCMP officers *hid* that information from them.
In that case, senior RCMP officers potentially covered up a case
of mass murder.
Why would they? I don't know, but it's thought there was half a
billion dollars ($500 million) in precious gems on that flight.
None of those stones were ever recovered, despite the fact that
about 98% of the wreckage was recovered from the sea floor.
There's *proof* that four senior RCMP officers obstructed justice
in that case, and it comes from that retired RCMP officer
himself. He was forced out of the RCMP, because he was ethical
and professional and unwilling to lie about his findings. But
based on my own experience, I know the RCMP routinely engages in
obstructing justice.
Example two. I complained to the RCMP in Ottawa about a senior
RCMP officer's obstruction. That senior officer dismissed my
second complaint - against him - *himself*. He was about
the third-highest ranked mountie in the country at the time.
So that's what things are like at the top. Every police force
should practice self-investigation of that sort; it's inherently
very ethical, I'm sure you'd agree.
Example three. I met with an RCMP staff sergeant in Calgary. He
promised me that he would arrange for me to meet with an
inspector. He said that if everything I told him was true - and
it certainly was true - the matter would be "extremely serious".
But in a subsequent meeting with him, he broke all of his
promises to me, and no action was ever taken. Those "extremely
serious" matters were ignored.
I don't know anyone could justify such conduct. Sweep it under
the carpet, why not. Maybe at one time the RCMP were good at
"getting their man", but nowadays, obstructing justice seems to
be what they are most proficient at. Ignoring serious criminal
offences doesn't make them go away. It just makes for an even
bigger mess.
Unfortunately for them, tomorrow a press release is going out to
about 30,000 reporters and journalists around the world, and many
international newspapers. They've had about two decades to deal
with those many crimes, but they have taken no action whatsoever.
So...I have started a hunger strike, to draw attention to their
inaction. I haven't eaten anything since Wednesday night. I am
prepared to take it all the way, if need be, because my life
isn't very pleasant. It's been 23 years of hell, for me,
including an attempt on my life by the Toronto ETF - an entirely
unwarranted visit to my home in the middle of the night - and I
am fed up. All based on scurrilous and defamatory "information"
that a human cockroach by the name of Doug Richardson
maliciously put in CPIC about me. He's deserving of a
penitentiary cell for the rest of his life. It's all dreamed up
bullshit, but it's in there like cement. It's led to the
destruction of my career. It's left me medically disabled, for
reasons of chronic depression. It's caused me to be falsely
arrested about twenty times, and it's nearly gotten me killed.
But don't expect the RCMP to shift their asses one inch to look
into it.
You may read about me in the newspaper, but probably best to
check foreign newspapers. I'm not too impressed with the media
in Canada. A Toronto Star reporter once promised me an article.
He said, "You have been shafted." Right. But after Toronto
police told him that I'd been the "author of my own misfortune" -
which was utter b.s., absolutely not true - the Star never
printed a word about it.
Too many so-called reporters in Canada just accept whatever
falsehoods they are told by the cops, without ever investigating.
So much for journalistic ethics in Canada. I'm not impressed.
But perhaps foreign newspapers will find my situation of
interest, and start digging. That's my hope. In which case,
if they do begin to focus on my plight, bad news for the RCMP and
for William Elliott. At this point, I could lay about two
hundred counts of obstructing justice on Elliott, one for every
charge I haven't been able to lay, so I kinda think Interpol
should not employ him. I'm the underdog - up against about every
cop in Canada, I think - but *light* has a way of making sewer
rats scurry for their rat holes. If I perish, I will die a good
man, and I have always been a good man, honest and ethical. I
cannot say that about them.
I don't see that I've been left with any option but to protest
their illegal conduct, since my life has been turned into
essentially a living hell, through no fault of my own. I don't
break the law. It doesn't seem to matter. Here are some
of the people letters have been written to (by a college
professor on my behalf). William Elliott; the federal Minister
of Justice; Vic Toews (responsible for the public's safety, but
he evidently has no concern about mine); the director of CPIC;
the new premier of B.C., Christy Clark (because it all started in
B.C.); and several others at the top. But action whatsoever. In
many cases, not even response to letters sent to them. It's
certainly not for lack of merit to my complaints.
Too many people at the top are irresponsible and lacking in
ethics. I'm living proof of that. Living for now, at least.
I've realized, two decades on, that unless I take some kind of
dramatic action, it will never be addressed, and I will never
have any hope of having anything like a normal life. That is our
government for you. It seems they have all forgotten the Charter
of Rights, as well as the Magna Carta, and a lot of other things,
like decency. It should have been resolved about twenty years
ago, when I first went to the RCMP. All the facts and the
law are on my side. That's a long time to wait for justice.
It's already eaten up a third of my life. I'm tired of it all.
So. We shall see.
I have no great desire to die, and I think I see value in life as
much as anyone. Despite the horror mine is. A hunger strike
does seem to be the only way out. It's kinda animal
caught in a leg-hold trap, which is a cruelty I can't imagine
doing to an animal. If left, trapped like that, in pain, it
finally gnaws its own leg off, to escape. I must presume that
many of them bleed to death. But at least then they're free.
Thanks again for the assistance.