No connectivity and slow speeds with "Nothing but Net"
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Orman Malumba
2003-09-09 20:38:48 UTC
Anyone else have problems took me 4 hours to connect the other day. Speeds
are down by around 66 to 67 percent. So far this seems to be a trend.
2003-09-09 22:48:44 UTC
Speeds are ok.... but in the last week I had problem with disc... and never
reconnect (not never but like 1h-3h to get back)
Post by Orman Malumba
Anyone else have problems took me 4 hours to connect the other day. Speeds
are down by around 66 to 67 percent. So far this seems to be a trend.
2003-09-10 02:07:41 UTC
Post by Orman Malumba
Anyone else have problems took me 4 hours to connect the other day. Speeds
are down by around 66 to 67 percent. So far this seems to be a trend.
Yes, I am also a Nothing But Net customer and am also experiencing
problems. I actually started service on Sunday. I can never reach
anyone in their office (and they also fail to respond to their pager

Extremely difficult to connect (if I can connect at all), and
extremely slow speeds. Most of the time, I get PPPoE authentication

Hopefully they get this fixed immediately.
2003-09-10 15:20:41 UTC
Found this from dsl reports. Seems you can only get your speed back if you
complain or if you live in London, Ontartio. Now how many people live in
that city?
Post by Orman Malumba
Anyone else have problems took me 4 hours to connect the other day. Speeds
are down by around 66 to 67 percent. So far this seems to be a trend.
2022-05-13 20:40:16 UTC
Post by Orman Malumba
Anyone else have problems took me 4 hours to connect the other day. Speeds
are down by around 66 to 67 percent. So far this seems to be a trend.
Nothing but net was nothing but shit. They went out of business and told
you if y0u had a subscription to go to the local McDonalds and use their
wireless when your internet went down every 2 minutes.
